Time:   immria

The price of high grade ferronickel price dropped down largely in this week

Due to fall of global nickel market, the stainless steel was still in downturn. The demand for ferronickel was insufficient. Some large steel plant had decreased their bidding price. The price of high grade ferronickel went down largely.The Ni 8%-10% ferronickel was quoted at 960-970 RMB/Nickel. The Ni1.6-1.8% ferronickel mainstream price was 3300-3450 RMB/T. The following sheet reflect the current ferronickel price during the last few days.



Current Price

Scope of quoted Price

Ni 1.5%-1.7%

North Region

3375 RMB/tons

3300-3450 RMB/tons

Ni 8%-12%

Inner Mongolia

965 RMB/nickel point

960-970 RMB/nickel point



Working hours:legal working day,9:00~18:00

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